Hervey Bay Bush Poetry group off and running!

Hervey Bay Bush Poetry group off and running!

-By Mick Martin-

A group of poets and poetry lovers met recently to enjoy some fabulous comradery and bush poetry. Shared experiences and a love of bush poetry were the theme for the meeting. Election day was probably not a good day to schedule it but the attendees had a good time. The three “apologies” vowed to attend next time which will be the 25th of May at South Springs Road Nikenbah, signs will show the way.

The meetings are not just for performers, if you like bush poetry you are welcome. This is not a snobby group, it’s mostly about having fun as we share yarns and poetry. If you would like to improve your writing there will be time to explore this as well.

We will explore some Anzac Day themed poetry as well as inviting everyone to have a go at sharing what they have written or the work of other poets. Nothing is “off the table” so take the plunge, be brave and come along from 9 am on Saturday the 25th of May.

For more details call 0421514555 or email Mick Martin at ozbushpoet@gmail.com. 

This poem is a tongue in cheek love poem, arguably the worst poem ever.

The Eulo love poem

They met one night near Eulo Creek

T’was kismet you might say

They met that night by pale moonlight

They could not meet by day


She waited there to find her match

A maiden in full bloom

He shone his light in search as well

To split romantic gloom


Some say they were forever bound

No need for chance or luck ..

For she was a Brahman heifer

And he was a Kenworth truck


Mick Martin (with apologies)

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